I Think I'm Okay Now
7:26 PM, Saturday, March 03, 2007 | Link to this post | 0 comments

Midterms are over. I have 4 difficult exams during the past week. I feel so exhausted after I took those exams. I deserve a break because I've been challenged mentally, emotionally, and spiritually during these past few days. Yeah! I'm here now at our Laguna house spending the weekend with my family and enjoying the cool breeze. Haaay... I've been away from my family for two weeks and I really missed them all. That's why I'm enjoying my 2-day stay here in Laguna because I'll be back to Manila again on Sunday evening.

Well, I think I'm starting to overcome all my insecurities and bitterness. Praise God for that. God has been so good to me. But there are times that I battle with Him. But I'm okay now, I think. I just hope that the coming week would be better for me to spend more meaningful times with Him.

- Gian


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