In My Moments Of Grief...
1:30 AM, Saturday, May 06, 2006 | Link to this post |

Summer is about to end. For most of us, we've been halfway through it. A lot of things happened when summer classes began. I took 6 units (3 units of ES 13 and another 3 units for PI 100) in school for this summer. You know what? It's not an easy task. Though I have a lot of free times, I still can't manage it properly.You know, waking up 6am in the morning for the 7am class and doing an assignment right after that class. It's been my routine for the past three weeks and you just don't know how stressed I am every day. Since I enrolled in TRUMPETS for this summer, I also need to take extra time for the workshops, rehearsals, and everything. And gosh!!! It's very tiring! Workshops are scheduled every MWF from 6pm to 830pm at Shang which is quite far from my school.

Speaking of TRUMPETS, we began working for the showcase as early as this month started. We'll do LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS for our showcase at the AFP theatre on the 1st of June at 7pm. I got the role of the WINO. You know, the typical lasenggero on the street. But don't expect something big from me becaus I wouldn't say any word at all. I'll just be in the background singing and dancing. Yeah! And mind you, I didn't like the concept of "blind" auditions! Ironically speaking, I enjoyed every workshop that we had since I learned a lot of things from my teachers and my classmates and I came to develop some sort of a bond with them. Though sometimes, I feel the pressure between me and my classmates, I can still see that it would make me a better actor. Haha!!! Oh well... And one thing I learned about our class is that we love to take challenges especially when we are given acting tasks.

How's my studies? It isn't good enough and I'm starting to get frustrated by it. Staying in the library for the whole afternoon and sacrificing even the most precious times with my friends aren't good enough for me to get high scores or worse, passing scores at least. Grabe!!! Sobrang Hirap!!! I still don't know if I need to drop the course asap. I lift it all to God na. Haaay!!! I still have 3 exams to go for that subject and I hope and I pray that those remaining exams will be alright.

I can't write anything na and I need to rest! God bless!!!

- Gian