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Gian Alvarez![]() ![]() The Lead ![]() In you, O Lord, I have taken refuge; let me never be put to shame; deliver me in your righteousness. Turn your ear to me, come quickly to my rescue; be my rock of refuge, a strong fortress to save me. Since you are my rock and my fortress, for the sake of your name lead and guide me. Free me from the trap that is set for me, for you are my refuge. Into your hands I commit my spirit; redeem me, O Lord, the God of truth. -Psalm 31:1-5 (NIV) Recent Productions
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It's Dwight's 19th Birthday!!!!
11:02 AM, Monday, August 29, 2005 | Link to this post |
![]() You're getting older Bro!!! Happy Birthday! God Bless!!! (He's the one on the right-most part of the picture, wearing the 'i choose' shirt.) - Gian The Long Weekend is Over!!!
10:30 AM, | Link to this post |
Or am I only exaggerating things? I'm gonna leave for Manila later at 12nn. I should be there by 2:30pm for a meeting regarding the SHOUT Concert this coming friday. I was reviewing for an exam quite a while ago and planned to stop at 12nn when it suddenly came to my mind that the trip from Laguna to Manila takes 2 hours, which means that I should cut 2 hours of my studying time. Do the math (and little inferences) and you will find out how much time do I spend preparing and deciding what things to bring and what color of shirt to wear.ME 63 is so difficult! But I'm sure that I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.(Phil. 4:13 NIV) But I should be more eager to study and to learn new things. Needless to say, I'm quite enjoying that subject these past few days. Hehe! The topics have become easier (well, it depends on you on how to define easier in that sense) and comprehensible. I then realized that you should really take a lot of effort practicing and familiarizing yourself with the topics and the mathematical equations involved. Naks!!! Anyway, I should be preparing right now for my trip so, see yah! P.S. Prayer Request: that the schedule of my ME exam won't be moved to Saturday because I have a camping at UPLB on that day. Thanks! - Gian No Classes Tomorrow??? Again???
3:00 PM, Sunday, August 28, 2005 | Link to this post |
I don't know if this is going to be a good news or a bad news. My exams may be moved again to another date affecting my entire schedule of activities. I just hope that they'll not move it to Saturday 'coz I have a camping at UPLB on that day and the next.
- GianCoffee Cup For The Soul
12:20 AM, Saturday, August 27, 2005 | Link to this post |
The week's over... I feel so tired. I've had had a lot of sleepless nights (quite exagerrating). Exams are coming again, I have two on Wednesday, ME nd Physics. I started studying last Monday but I really can't keep myself focused. Things would just come out quite unexpectedly. I need to be more flexible with my schedule right now. It has become my habit to sleep very late at night. I have an average of 6 hours of sleep per week so I cannot blame myself for being half-asleep during class. This usually happens whenever I haven't taken a dose of hot coffee in the morning. I feet the need to drink a cup of coffee every morning. It was then that I realized that I'm becoming a caffeine-dependent person (if you would call it that way).I just arrived from QC by the way. I'm back here to my humble abode in Laguna. I was quite surprised seeing a new car in our garage. I thought I was lost. Hehe! My mom was there to welcome me. Does this mean that I can learn now how to drive since we have two cars already? I don't think so. I'm busy with a lot of things right now. But if given an opportunity, then why not!? I haven't got the chance to have a feel of our brand new Toyota Vios because I feel so very tired. All I wanna do is to go straight to bed, but look what I'm doing right now. I just can't get enough of the free internet connection courtesy of a good friend of mine. I think that's all for now. God Bless! P.S. Thanks Kuya Arbie for the company on the way home... God Bless You always!!! - Gian Peter the Magnificent
1:45 PM, Saturday, August 20, 2005 | Link to this post |
![]() Wondering who Peter the Magnificent is? He's no pope (obviously as you can see from the pic on the right) nor a famous historical figure. He's one of the four Pevensie children who discovered a magical land called Narnia. Yes, Peter is one of the characters (and my favorite...my alter-ego...Hehe!) from the famous children's classic by C.S. Lewis, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. The movie will be released here in the Philippines on January 18, 2006. Actually, a musical version of the same title by TRUMPETS made 3 successful runs (1997, 1998, and 2002) at the Meralco Theatre. By the way, Walt Disney is one of the distributors of the movie version. I'm so excited to watch the film. - Gian In Search For A Friend...
12:50 PM, | Link to this post |
![]() Laila left for Baguio last Wednesday night. Her friend invited her to watch a movie with her. But Laila has a different purpose. She took the opportunity to visit our 'long-lost' friend Evy. At first, she's not sure if she could find Evy all on her own but with the help of friends, she has come up with an idea on how to get to her house. I was quite amazed on how faithful this friend of mine was. We usually call her the 'Prayer Warrior' because of her eagerness to pray. God did hear her prayers. She found Evy's house in a quite miraculous way. I can't imagine what happened when they saw each other. Maybe they cried together or they laughed out loud for that unusual event. But I can feel that she has mixed emotions while she's having a great time with Evy through the messages she keeps on sending to me. Actually, I'm also having a good time with my CWTS friends while they're having they're own. But I made it a point to text them once in a while and 'join' them. I texted Evy (through Laila's phone) that one of these days, we're gonna meet again. Besides, I haven't been to Baguio for the longest time. I missed the nights when we altogether pour our hearts out on the soil of the Sunken Garden. It will never be the same again without Evy. Parting ways maybe is the most difficult part for them. Maybe they cried and cried and cried and cried. Maybe, they left each other with a promise that they're gonna see each other again very soon. And that's not an impossible thing to happen. I thank God for giving us Laila, such a wonderful young lady. We're so much blessed to have her in our lives. I'm assured that God will continue to bless her life and fill her heart with comfort and joy. - Gian The Adventures Of The 'Higad Man'
12:09 PM, | Link to this post |
Hello!It's been a long while since I last posted here. You might be wondering who's the 'Higad Man.' That's me! To make the long story short, I suffered for almost a week because of those microsopic caterpillar bristles from an acacia tree at the CCC tambayan. Anyway, I was dubbed as the 'Higad Man' (or Higgy Boy or Boy Higad... whichever you like) because of that unique encounter with the 'Higad.' Thanks to Preci for bringing me to the infirmary. I've taken a lot of exams these past few days, and I think I've had enough so I've decided to take a break for a while. Yesterday is a holiday for the QC people (QC day). One of my CWTS friends invited me and 3 of our classmates (Garrick, Cox, and Ro) to a small celebration (or should I say, bonding activity) at SM North. We ate lunch together at Sbarro (it was my first time to eat there) and watched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (a very touching movie). One thing I should be thankful for: it's all expense paid! Thanks to Kaye! We've seen the trailer of Narnia. I can't wait to see the movie on December 9. HP4 trailer was shown too. I'm also excited to see it. We also have our 'studio pic ala berks.' I'm so happy with what happened yesterday. 'Sulit ang vacation!' I thank God for giving me time to relax and enjoy my time with friends. - Gian It's Been A Long Week!
11:25 PM, Friday, August 05, 2005 | Link to this post |
Hi Guys!!!After 5 days of pressure and frustration, I finally find time to post here. I'm here at Katipunan for an overnight stay at the student center. I attended our weekly ML and take note, I dared to be one of the back-up singers for the Praise and Worship Team... Yeahbaa!!! Anyway, a lot of things happened during the past few days. I have 2 exams last Wednesday and they're scheduled at exactly the same time. Thank God, I'm not the only one with that situation. I mean I can ask help from someone and eventually settle the matter. To make things worse, we were required to take the Physics exam 30 minutes ahead (6:30 am!) of the others. The exam is for two hours. We ended at 8:30am and ran as fast as we could to the Engineering Theater for the ME exam. It's also for 2 hours, very tiring indeed. Next week, I'm going to concentrate more on my ES subjects because I'm kinda 'left behind.' I wanna thank God for letting me serve Him through the talent that He gave me. And He revealed a lot of things to me a while ago during the ML. I was quite surprised of how God really wants me to be who I really am. These past few days, I feel that I'm a bit 'away' from God. But He is so merciful that He doesn't want me to feel that way. He just want me to always trust Him in everything because the battle is not mine, it's His'. - Gian |