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Gian Alvarez![]() ![]() The Lead ![]() In you, O Lord, I have taken refuge; let me never be put to shame; deliver me in your righteousness. Turn your ear to me, come quickly to my rescue; be my rock of refuge, a strong fortress to save me. Since you are my rock and my fortress, for the sake of your name lead and guide me. Free me from the trap that is set for me, for you are my refuge. Into your hands I commit my spirit; redeem me, O Lord, the God of truth. -Psalm 31:1-5 (NIV) Recent Productions
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Lost In Manila
11:04 AM, Saturday, March 31, 2007 | Link to this post |
The second semester ended earlier for me. While others are still kicking their ass out battling with an exam paper, I found myself basking in relaxation with long lost friends. I spent the previous week in Manila to finish 2 exams (that was last Monday) and arrange an outreach activity. Thanks to those people who helped me with the OJ film showing. It's really difficult to work alone. Thanks to Paulo and Celso. You two have been so nice to me. You're such a blessing. Thanks for helping me out. I LOVE YOU DEAR BROTHERS!!! I pray that God would reveal more about Himself to you during the OJ.I've been so much relaxed all throughout the week after my exams. You would see me at the CCC tambayan doing some OJ stuff and talking with friends or at the student center talking with Dwight. I missed him so much that's why I tried to make-up for the lost times that we could have spend with each other during the previous semester. Last Thursday, I joined Ate Flo, Melvin, and Dwight to the Leadership Training of CCC's Catalytic Ministry at U-belt. It was a whole day activity in which the delegates from different campuses like FEU, UST, UE, and PNU were trained and equipped to be spiritual leaders in their respective campuses. Most of them are a little bit younger than us. Ate Flo, Melvin, and Dwight taught them the basics of sharing the Gospel effectively through the Four Spiritual Laws booklet. Though it wasn't really planned that I would be there (it was supposed to be a 3-day retreat in Tagaytay but due to some circumstances, it was compressed to a one-day training, which was quite tiring), they still managed to maximize my presence there as a 'demonstration partner.' Haha!!! But I also assist the delegates during their one-on-one practices. I really would want to teach them, too. They're always ready to learn something and they never fail to make me smile. Such precious hearts. In them I see future (spiritual) leaders who would impact a generation. I enjoyed the time I spent with them talking, answering their questions, and even learning new things. I hope that we could spend another time with them. Next week would be Holy Week. TRUMPETS will start on Tuesday (as you know, I haven't practiced enough for the 1st day of workshop). I'll miss UP and some friends there. I'll miss waking up in the morning not thinking of what would you answer if you're professor asks you "where's the critical cross-section in the beam?" I'll miss waking up in the morning not worrying that you're phone's alarm might fail you. I'll miss waking up in the morning thinking of the things that you wanna do rather than the things that you ought to do. I'll miss talking with friends not worrying about the time. I'll miss waking up in the morning, getting up and doing nothing. I'll miss all these things as I spend a two week vacation here in Laguna. But I think I need to spend more time with the Lord than to dwell with these temporary things. I pray that this coming Holy Week, God would continue to impress upon me His purpose in my life, what He wants to happen with it. I surrendering everything to Him. Blessed Holy Week to everyone!!! - Gian It's Over
12:15 PM, Tuesday, March 27, 2007 | Link to this post |
After a week of overwhelming "stresses and strains," my semester officially ended yesterday after my ME 186 exam. Wohooo!!!! Thank God!!! Let's celebrate!! Though I still need to pray for the result of my exams.. Waaaahhhhhh..... The exam yesterday was not easy. But I did my best naman for that. Haaaayyyy... Lord Help!!!! I woke up at 9:35am this morning. Got up suddenly after I read Precee's message. I realized that there's no time for celebration yet. I still need to coordinate with CCC for the upcoming Operation Jabez which will happen in Bicol during the Holy Week. I was assigned to plan the program for the MY HOPE film showing. Precee asked me to email the comment sheets to her. As you know, I haven't started planning/organizing the film showing yet because of the gazillion lessons that I need to study during the past week. I asked Lester (my roommate) to help me with the comment sheets. So, we tried to do it translating the original English version comment sheets to Tagalog. Thanks Lester!!! I'm still not sure if I'm gonna come to the OJ though. Playshop will start on the 3rd of April and it would overlap with OJ. Aaaahhhhh.... I don't know what to do. Lester asked me if I'm gonna come but I haven't given him a nice response. I'm still not sure. Waaaaahhhhhh.... And I haven't prepared yet for the song that I'm gonna sing on the first day of Playshop!!! Waaaaaaahhhh... I thought it's over!!! There's also a Stillwaters Leaders' retreat on the 8th and it woul overlap again to one of our workshop days at Trumpets. I was also invited to join the semender of PSME-UPSU and UP Eng'g Soc this coming weekend and their schedules would again overlap. Haaaayyy... I don't know what I'm gonna do. Help needed here... - GianI Think I'm Okay Now Part 2
10:22 PM, Saturday, March 17, 2007 | Link to this post |
A very frustrating week that was! I realized I've been making the wrong decisions which led me to one hell of a roller coaster ride. Aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! I hate making wrong decisions (everybody does). But what frustrates me most is the fact that I can't make my own decisions. I still need to depend on other people regarding the decisions I'm making.Finals week is just around the corner. But my mind is still struggling on what to think first: summer classes, TRUMPETS, CM 2007, OJ Bicol, CRS, subjects I'm gonna take next sem, disciples, etc. Take it easy man, one at a time! Yeah right! I didn't win in the PSME-UPSU elections. But I still want to thank those people who supported me: Neil, you're truly my best friend. Thanks for nominating and trusting me for the job. I'm sorry I didn't make it. But you would still love me as your friend anyway. Haha!! Kuya Ju and Rai, you're the best of the very best! Salamat from the bottom of my heart to the ends of the universe. Wahahaha!!!! Love you both!!! Imay, thanks for the challenge. You made me realize that what I have is not yet enough. To the members who respected me well enough with my visions and listened to what I'm saying during the GPOA presentation, Thank you! Hope you would still continue to trust me, as an orgmate at least. Benj, Joseph, Ken, JM, Patrick, my beloved disciples, thanks for your prayers! You're my refuge in this power-driven world. Love you all!!! I think I'm OK now. I'm starting to see changes in my emotions and perceptions about relationships. I still believe that I was made to be a relationally-driven person. I just need to accept the fact that I was made to pursue people. Thanks to those who helped me get out of my bondage to my struggles. You know who you are. Thanks to my God who willingly carried all my burdens. - Gian I Think I'm Okay Now
7:26 PM, Saturday, March 03, 2007 | Link to this post |
Midterms are over. I have 4 difficult exams during the past week. I feel so exhausted after I took those exams. I deserve a break because I've been challenged mentally, emotionally, and spiritually during these past few days. Yeah! I'm here now at our Laguna house spending the weekend with my family and enjoying the cool breeze. Haaay... I've been away from my family for two weeks and I really missed them all. That's why I'm enjoying my 2-day stay here in Laguna because I'll be back to Manila again on Sunday evening.Well, I think I'm starting to overcome all my insecurities and bitterness. Praise God for that. God has been so good to me. But there are times that I battle with Him. But I'm okay now, I think. I just hope that the coming week would be better for me to spend more meaningful times with Him. - Gian |