Exams, Exams, And More Exams... So Tiring!!!!
 It's been a while since I last posted here. Just got through the mind-boggling ES exam. Thanks to Francis for inviting me to dine with him and Pido. I'm somehow relieved from my anxieties. I haven't got the chance to go home to Laguna during the weekend because of the CWTS camping. I still have class very early in the morning the next day. I enjoyed the camping, really. I have the chance to bond with my groupmates whom eventually became my friends. It's good I have ate's videocam with me. I was able to record on video the memorable events in the camping. I barely slept on the first and only night of our camping because I spent the whole night with my new-found friends. I really enjoyed their company. Thanks for the coffee, cookies, laughter, Century Tuna, and everything.
This week was a very busy one for me. I need to make the most out of my meager time. Making the most out of my meager time means having to read my notes while riding the Ikot Jeep, reviewing for an exam while walking on campus, and depriving myself of going home during noontime. I have 2 exams (1 down, another 1 to go) and a formal report to submit. I just wanna take a break right now because tomorrow will be another tiring day. And since I was so busy with a lot of things especially exams, I have no time to watch Trumpets' Little Mermaid at the Megamall. The run will only be up 'til Friday. I won't not be able to watch the last show because I have an exam the next day, a very difficult exam. I heard that Kalay and BEST TA will be in charge of the ML on Friday. I think I can't commit fully to that. By the way, the concert last Friday was great! A lot of people came to rock, praise, and unite for our country. I was really blessed by people who sang their hearts out and danced for God.
Haaayyyy! I need to do a lot of things. So, I'd better get off. Bye!!
P.S. Nice chattin' with you Enye! Evy, thenks for the prayers. Kalay TA, I'll gonna see you very soon. Hysterical Pink, when's our reunion?
- Gian
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